Dealing with a complex situations such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, or health issues that need special assistance can require an expert. Call Joyce to tap into her resources and experiences.
A 2.5-hour family consultation runs $75, and can be conducted from the comfort of your own home. Any additional time beyond 2.5 hours during a consultation will incur an hourly rate. Elder care screenings can help you know where you are in the process of aging with your loved one. This also allows Joyce to evaluate your loved one’s home environment.
Senior Communities and Facilities
Joyce can help you identify types of care facilities and assist you in selecting an appropriate one for your situation. Joyce can greatly smooth the transition into or out of a senior community, for both the elderly resident, family members, and associated staff. Joyce can assist with:
Independent Living
Assisted Living
Dementia Care
Home Care Options
Funding Guidance
Social Workers
Hospitals and nursing home social workers, and discharge planners appreciate knowing there is a partner assisting them in coordinating care for aging patients
Most Hospitals hand you a list of nursing home/rehab centers and say your loved one will be discharged in 24 hours. Do you know how to exercise your best option?
Joyce can provide a list of reputable attorneys who focus on elder care issues.
Be sure to have your documents in order:
Living Will
Resuscitation Orders
POA for Finance
Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
Joyce can be a liaison between doctors and other health professionals, and the elder patient and family members and assist you to doctor appointments if needed.
Home Care Companies
Joyce knows of reputable local home health agencies and general costs for both skilled and non-skilled home help to help guide you.
Long-term Planning
Resources for Medicare Supplement and knowledge of Long-Term Care Insurance. Retirement Planning Connections to assist with asset protection. Medicaid spend-down, and Veterans' Aid Benefits.